At Namakaina series

soil map units where At Namakaina series is dominant

Soil properties

Property Value
Geographic distribution Tarawa, Abatao
Landscape position In pockets of flat or very slightly concave areas
Soil parent material Coralline sand
Slope Flat (0 - 3°)
Surface outcrops No surface stones or boulders
Brief soil profile description The surface horizon varies from 5-20 cm in depth and the colour may vary from dark reddish brown to very dark brown; it is suspected that in some areas there may be a lithic contact between 50 cm and 1 m
Soil profile texture Typically shows about 10 cm of dark brown silt loam compacted by grass roots overlying about 5-10 cm of sand with a little incorporated organic material which in turn rests on pinkish sand which extends to at least 1m
Minimum effective rooting depth 20 cm
Soil pH (acidity) Highly calcareous with high pH
Salinity -
Soil fertility under natural conditions High organic carbon content and CEC in the surface layer; available and total phosphorus levels are very low; exchangeable magnesium high but potassium values are low to very low; distinct smell of sulphide detected in all subsurface horizons.
Soil moisture regime Ustic
Susceptibility to drought Not susceptible to drought due to high water table
Soil drainage Very poorly drained
Susceptibility to waterlogging The lower portions of the profile are permanently saturated with groundwater which is tidal and may come to within 10cm of the surface
Susceptibility to flooding Surface ponding may occur during heavy rainfall, especially at high tide

Partners and funders