Au Tanaea series

soil map units where Au Tanaea series is dominant

Soil properties

Property Value
Geographic distribution Tarawa, Abatao
Landscape position This soil dominates the areas close to the lagoon edge.
Soil parent material coralline sand
Slope Flat (0 - 3°)
Surface outcrops Some coral stones and gravels on surface
Brief soil profile description Topsoil colours are dark brown to very dark brown; textures range from sandy loam to loamy sand and the depth varies from 5-15 cm. The CA horizon colours vary from very pale brown to light brownish grey. The depth to the water table varies from 80-110 cm depending on the tide.
Soil profile texture Typically shows a shallow dark brown loamy sand having weakly developed granular structure overlying about 25 cm of structureless sand in which has been a small amount of organic matter; this overlies structureless sand to depths greater than 1 m.
Minimum effective rooting depth 100 cm
Soil pH (acidity) Highly calcareous with high pH
Salinity -
Soil fertility under natural conditions Low CEC and lower levels of organic carbon and nitrogen in the topsoil than found for other soils on the islet, phosphorus and potassium levels are very low.
Soil moisture regime Ustic
Susceptibility to drought Upper portion of profile dries out in dry periods.
Soil drainage Excessively drained
Susceptibility to waterlogging The lower portions of the profile are wet due to the groundwater table which regularly encroaches within 1 m of the surface and is influenced by tides.
Susceptibility to flooding Never floods

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