Lu Temaiku series

soil map units where Lu Temaiku series is dominant

Soil properties

Property Value
Geographic distribution Tarawa, Abatao
Landscape position Occurs in intimate association with the shallow phase of the Abatao soils on planar or very slightly concave areas away from coastal rampart or lagoon shore
Soil parent material coralline sand and gravel
Slope Flat (0 - 3°)
Surface outcrops Common coral fragments on surface
Brief soil profile description A moderately well developed A horizon overlying coral sand which in turn rests on cemented beach rock with a lithic contact within 50 cm of the soil surface.
Soil profile texture Typically shows a dark brown or yellowish brown sandy, structureless AC horizon resting on cemented beach rock. Depth to the lithic contact varies from 25-45 cm. The soil colour varies from dark brown to light yellowish brown. Stones and gravels may be present in the range 0-10%
Minimum effective rooting depth 25-45 cm
Soil pH (acidity) Highly calcareous with high pH
Salinity -
Soil fertility under natural conditions No analyses were carried out on this soil but it was expected to have similar properties to others on Abatao in having high pH, free lime, low phosphorus and potassium levels, moderate organic carbon and nitrogen contents and CEC.
Soil moisture regime Ustic
Susceptibility to drought Dries out in dry periods.
Soil drainage Excessively drained
Susceptibility to waterlogging Not susceptible to waterlogging
Susceptibility to flooding Never floods

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